Leaders in Our Field
Expert Insights' professionals are leaders in their field and remain technically sharp by:- Giving seminars to fellow professionals and law firms
- Attending national seminars in their areas of expertise
- Thinking "outside the box"
- Remaining current with case law regarding expert testimony and the type of litigation they testify in
- Keeping pace with increases in digital technology
Meet Our Experts
Craig Reinmuth
Craig Reinmuth is a Certified Public Accountant with over 35 years of experience. He is President of Expert Insights, P.C., a full service litigation support firm providing services to legal communities nationwide. He has testified as an expert witness in Federal District Courts as well as District and Superior Courts in the States of Arizona, California, Montana, Nevada and Wisconsin.Known for the integrity, thoroughness and accuracy of his reports, his casework has encompassed primarily forensic and investigative accounting services in connection with:
- Computer forensics including Rule 26 conferences, recovery and analysis of ESI from computers, cell phones and Mac's
- Calculation of economic damages (commercial/personal)
- Embezzlement, fraud, ponzi schemes
- Valuations, including businesses and stock options
- Determining the true level of assets and income
- Tracing of property
- Accountant malpractice issues
- Standard of living and/or earning ability
- Assisting in structuring fair and equitable settlements, including related tax issues
Professional Background
Mr. Reinmuth began specializing in litigation support services in 1996. He previously practiced in public accounting for 11 years, including 8 years with "Big 4" international firms. He served a number of corporate financial management positions during his 5 years with Mercedes-Benz of North America. He is a licensed Certified Public Accountant, EnCase Certified Examiner, Certified in Financial Forensics, and has a Masters of Science in Taxation from DePaul University. Mr. Reinmuth is also on the board of directors for a startup bank in Scottsdale, Arizona.He has given presentations to various law firms, AZ State and Maricopa County Bar Associations including: "Keep your (Trade) Secrets to Yourself"; "New technology and Where Electronic Data Resides; "Electronic Discovery – The Rules are Changing…How to be Prepared"; "Providing Expert Testimony"; "Computer Forensics – Use it or Lose it"; "How Do I Go About E-Discovery?"; and wrote several published articles in both accounting and legal journals including: "How Electronic Discovery Can Work For You or Against You"and "Being Proactive with Electronic Discovery". He is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) and Arizona Society of Certified Public Accountants (ASCPA). He is immediate Past Chairperson for ASCPA Business Valuation and Litigation Services Committee.
He is also known for working with counsel throughout the course of litigation including planning, pursuing discovery and finding alternate means to obtain it, detailed analysis of discovery and providing clear and convincing testimony.
- Masters of Science Degree in Taxation, DePaul University, Chicago
- Bachelor of Science in Accountancy, Southern Illinois University
- Continuing education includes ongoing participation at annual National AICPA Advanced Litigation Support and Fraud Conferences
- EnCase Computer Forensic Conferences
John Brawn
Digital Forensic Analyst
John Brawn is a Digital Forensic Analyst with Expert Insights, P.C. and has over 10 years of experience in the information technology field including computer forensics, e-discovery, incident response and network security. Mr. Brawn earned his Masters in Forensic Science from George Washington University in 2011 with a specialty in High Technology Crime.Professional Background
- Computer forensic acquisitions and data recovery
- E-Discovery acquisitions
- Network intrusions and incident response
- Malware analysis
- Spoliation analysis
- Security policy compliance site surveys
- Expert witness testimony for litigation matters
Professional Training
- SANS Computer Security
- Guidance Software
- Access Data
- Comp TIA in Security
- Comp TIA in Networking
- EnCE from Guidance Software
- ACE from Access Data
- A+ from Comp TIA