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Forensic Accounting

Older Age Divorce
Calender Mar 31, 2017 at 09:00am
Posted By Craig Reinmuth

A record number of married couples over age 50 are filing for divorce. Along with this comes unique financial considerations. This article will briefly discuss financial planning considerations and related recommendations. Retirement planning was done assuming they couple would enjoy retirement as a married couple. Now their primary earning years are behind them and less time exists to exists to build the divided retirement funds back up. Both spouses may have to work, and/or work longer. A financial projection should be done estimating the funds that will be available from wages, retirement savings and investments and comparing this to...

Fraud - Prevent and Detect
Calender Nov 21, 2016 at 05:30pm
Posted By Craig Reinmuth

Prevent and Detect Fraud - What do fraudster's look like? - Hunting down fraud Financial fraud can be devastating, both monetarily and the time that has to be invested. Steps can be taken to prevent fraud and, in the unfortunate situation where it has occurred, it can be tracked down. What do fraudster's look like? You may be surprised! They are commonly well-respected top-executives who have been with an organization at least six years. They typically work well with others. Most fraud occurs within the last 15-30 days of employment....

Posted By Craig Reinmuth

Today, we're going to do something a little different: we're going to 'follow along' as a forensic accountant in Phoenix goes through an example investigation. The routine activities of an investigator often start with something akin to the report of a whistleblower who points out a coworker's fraud. Such an event needs to be investigated rapidly in order to prevent further loss as well as to find out how far back the fraud extends -- the key to recovering any losses that have already been incurred. One of the forensic accounting firms Phoenix features will spring to the case, sending out a forensic accountant --...

Posted By Craig Reinmuth

In a court of law, there are certain forensic accounting services Arizona is likely to bring to the case, whether working on the side of the plaintiff or defense. Forensic accounting services are an area of the litigation support services Phoenix and other Arizona courts utilize regularly. An ideal career for someone who has both legal and financial expertise or interest, forensic accounting requires investigative skills, strict discipline, and integrity. A forensic accountant is commonly called upon to investigate crimes such as embezzlement, money laundering, securities fraud, and other so-called 'white collar' crimes. That said,...


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