Digital & Computer Forensics
Computer, Mobile & Digital Forensics News

Mobile Forensics Captures Relevant Case Data

It's devastating to learn that an employee is stealing proprietary information from you, or your significant other is cheating you -- even more so to find out that it's been happening for months or even years without your knowledge. If you have an inkling, a hunch, or even just a notion that this may be going on, one of the surest ways to find proof is to have a forensic expert check over their cell phone or their computer. Despite what many people think, it's quite difficult to really get rid of the information that passes through your mobile. Delete a text or a picture, and it's still in there somewhere, waiting for a forensic mobile specialist to uncover it.
Of course, not all private investigators have cell phone forensics experts working for them, and relatively few such experts work for PIs at all. Most of them can be found in one of the litigation support services Arizona offers its lawyers. By restoring SMS text messages, pictures, caller ID information, address book entries, call records including date and time, duration, and the number conversed with, and in some cases, even GPS information, a mobile forensics specialist can fill in the missing pieces and put the pieces back together to make a solid case.
Of course, the forensics specialists might also uncover solid proof that your suspicions are misguided, and that your employee or spouse is perfectly innocent -- a much better ending for everyone involved.