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Computer Forensic Specialists
Calender Feb 10, 2015 at 10:23am
Posted By Craig Reinmuth

If you happen to be a computer forensic specialist, Nevada and Arizona aren't bad places to land. In today's digital age, computers are the building blocks of almost every aspect of our lives. Nearly every transaction -- and many interactions -- we engage in are recorded electronically. But with the new digital age has come new digital crime, and with new digital crime has come the new digital investigators. Computer forensics consists of preservation, data collection, analysis, reporting and testimony. Make sure you engage an expert that knows how to help you in each of these stages; one who is proactive rather than reactive. A...

Posted By Craig Reinmuth

                  Major Cellular Service Provider     Retention Periods Regardless of the nature of the litigation you are involved in, it is common that relevant information isl likely to be  on a cellphone of a party on the other side of the litigation.  And it may be the only place the data is stored.  Depending on the service provider, the period for which the data may be available through them varies greatly.  Below is a brief overview *:    Verizon ...

Alter Ego Victory
Calender Mar 7, 2017 at 10:21am
Posted By Craig Reinmuth

Those of you who have worked on alter ego cases are aware of the strong burden of proof establishing alter ego and piercing the corporate veil. If successful however, it can open doors of available assets and income that a person is trying to shield from creditors, or their spouse. I was involved with a recent decision in Arizona where the court permitted the corporate veil to be pierced and allowed the assets to be entered into the community estate for division between the parties. This case involved a person who set up a company, back in 1999, to shield and protect his assets from creditors. He funneled his personal income and...

Older Age Divorce
Calender Mar 31, 2017 at 09:00am
Posted By Craig Reinmuth

A record number of married couples over age 50 are filing for divorce. Along with this comes unique financial considerations. This article will briefly discuss financial planning considerations and related recommendations. Retirement planning was done assuming they couple would enjoy retirement as a married couple. Now their primary earning years are behind them and less time exists to exists to build the divided retirement funds back up. Both spouses may have to work, and/or work longer. A financial projection should be done estimating the funds that will be available from wages, retirement savings and investments and comparing this to...

Posted By Craig Reinmuth

Shortly after the bombing, a friend of the Boston Marathon bomber deleted his browser history and other electronic evidence when he was being pursued by the feds. Under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, he was sentenced to 2 ½ years in prison for "destroying, altering and falsifying records, documents, and tangible objects in a federal investigation, specifically information on his computer." Accordingly, be careful when advising someone who is, or is helping someone, engaged in felony behavior. They must be warned that destroying of any evidence, including digital, can be extremely detrimental.

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