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Posted By Craig Reinmuth

Shortly after the bombing, a friend of the Boston Marathon bomber deleted his browser history and other electronic evidence when he was being pursued by the feds. Under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, he was sentenced to 2 ½ years in prison for "destroying, altering and falsifying records, documents, and tangible objects in a federal investigation, specifically information on his computer." Accordingly, be careful when advising someone who is, or is helping someone, engaged in felony behavior. They must be warned that destroying of any evidence, including digital, can be extremely detrimental.

Computer Forensics Experts in Phoenix
Calender Mar 17, 2015 at 08:14am
Posted By Craig Reinmuth

When you have a digital mystery that needs solving, there's a computer forensics expert in Phoenix that can help. Computer forensics is a relatively new field of study that deals with legal evidence found on computers and other forms of digital media. Computer forensics is a job that is in demand, and it's a small wonder -- traditional law enforcement is hard-pressed to stem the tide of computer crime these days! When it comes to computer forensics, Arizona is leading the nation, with top-notch litigation support teams offering forensic expertise to lawyers on either side of the case. These technology experts deal with any type of...

Posted By Craig Reinmuth

In a court of law, there are certain forensic accounting services Arizona is likely to bring to the case, whether working on the side of the plaintiff or defense. Forensic accounting services are an area of the litigation support services Phoenix and other Arizona courts utilize regularly. An ideal career for someone who has both legal and financial expertise or interest, forensic accounting requires investigative skills, strict discipline, and integrity. A forensic accountant is commonly called upon to investigate crimes such as embezzlement, money laundering, securities fraud, and other so-called 'white collar' crimes. That said,...

Posted By Craig Reinmuth

Today, we're going to do something a little different: we're going to 'follow along' as a forensic accountant in Phoenix goes through an example investigation. The routine activities of an investigator often start with something akin to the report of a whistleblower who points out a coworker's fraud. Such an event needs to be investigated rapidly in order to prevent further loss as well as to find out how far back the fraud extends -- the key to recovering any losses that have already been incurred. One of the forensic accounting firms Phoenix features will spring to the case, sending out a forensic accountant --...

Posted By Craig Reinmuth

As the Copper State moves boldly into the Information Age, putting wrongdoers on notice with the development of strong legal support like mobile forensics, Arizona becomes a harder and harder place to do the wrong thing and get away with it. It doesn't matter if you're a white collar criminal using your cellphone to take pictures of sensitive company documents and send them to a competitor, or just an everyday spouse who happens to have a secret lover you're trying to keep secret -- cell phone forensics can and will find evidence of your wrongdoing. It's devastating to learn that an employee is stealing proprietary...

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