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Your search for "stealing of trade secrets" returned with the following

Posted By Craig Reinmuth

Today, we're going to do something a little different: we're going to 'follow along' as a forensic accountant in Phoenix goes through an example investigation. The routine activities of an investigator often start with something akin to the report of a whistleblower who points out a coworker's fraud. Such an event needs to be investigated rapidly in order to prevent further loss as well as to find out how far back the fraud extends -- the key to recovering any losses that have already been incurred. One of the forensic accounting firms Phoenix features will spring to the case, sending out a forensic accountant --...

Posted By Craig Reinmuth

As the Copper State moves boldly into the Information Age, putting wrongdoers on notice with the development of strong legal support like mobile forensics, Arizona becomes a harder and harder place to do the wrong thing and get away with it. It doesn't matter if you're a white collar criminal using your cellphone to take pictures of sensitive company documents and send them to a competitor, or just an everyday spouse who happens to have a secret lover you're trying to keep secret -- cell phone forensics can and will find evidence of your wrongdoing. It's devastating to learn that an employee is stealing proprietary...

Computer Forensic Specialists
Calender Feb 10, 2015 at 10:23am
Posted By Craig Reinmuth

If you happen to be a computer forensic specialist, Nevada and Arizona aren't bad places to land. In today's digital age, computers are the building blocks of almost every aspect of our lives. Nearly every transaction -- and many interactions -- we engage in are recorded electronically. But with the new digital age has come new digital crime, and with new digital crime has come the new digital investigators. Computer forensics consists of preservation, data collection, analysis, reporting and testimony. Make sure you engage an expert that knows how to help you in each of these stages; one who is proactive rather than reactive. A...

Posted By Craig Reinmuth

Because of high-tech advances in a new field called cell phone forensics, Phoenix corporations or residents can find themselves unexpectedly relieved of several perplexing predicaments. Here are just a few key examples: If you're in a civil suit and you need to recover a series of old text messages to prove the context of a particular situation or event; If you're concerned about an employee remotely accessing proprietary files and transferring them to an unauthorized location; If you need to recover a text message or a picture that you accidentally deleted; If you suspect your significant other is cheating on you and...

Fraud - Prevent and Detect
Calender Nov 21, 2016 at 05:30pm
Posted By Craig Reinmuth

Prevent and Detect Fraud - What do fraudster's look like? - Hunting down fraud Financial fraud can be devastating, both monetarily and the time that has to be invested. Steps can be taken to prevent fraud and, in the unfortunate situation where it has occurred, it can be tracked down. What do fraudster's look like? You may be surprised! They are commonly well-respected top-executives who have been with an organization at least six years. They typically work well with others. Most fraud occurs within the last 15-30 days of employment....

Posted By Craig Reinmuth

There are several areas of litigation support services Phoenix law firms utilize to get the results they need -- but by far the most effective is obtaining electronic evidence. With nearly all modern business -- both corporate and personal -- being performed over various forms of digital media, the use of the various digital forensics Arizona firms is becoming a must for litigators in Arizona and other states' courts. Why turn to Electronic Discovery in Litigation Support? If you have a hard drive, flash drive, compact disc, DVD, digital camera, cell phone, flip camera, floppy disk, personal data assistant, SD card, or iPad that might...


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